Honest & Respectful Auto Body Technicians
Welcome to T & P Auto Body Repair & Paint Center
At T & P Auto Body Repair & Paint Center in St. Marys, OH, we care for you and your vehicle. Whether you were in an accident that calls for frame repair or just need a touch-up on some paint or small dents, our experts will provide excellent service. We strive to go above and beyond to accommodate every customer’s unique needs. We offer a lifetime guarantee on all work (except for rust) and take pride in the work we do. You won’t be disappointed when you bring your vehicle to us!
No Appointment Needed!
T & P’s History
Since 1995, customers in St. Marys, OH, and surrounding communities have chosen T & P Auto Body Repair and Paint Center for all their auto body repair needs. Tim – the first half of T & P – grew up in St. Marys before he moved to Colorado to attend Denver Automobile and Diesel College. While residing in Colorado he met his wife, Patti – the second half of T & P – and started a family.
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After graduating college in 1972, Tim worked for 23 years in the body, paint, and framework business; the last 13 years were spent as a body shop manager. Tim saw the potential for an auto body shop in his hometown of St. Marys. After a few phone calls to friends back home, they found the perfect spot – 317 South Park Dr. Tim and Patti packed up and headed to Ohio as a family of four.
When Patti passed away in 2012, Tim and their son, Rob, became partners. Rob has been working at the shop since the beginning and he continued to work at the shop during his high school years. After graduating, Rob moved to Tennessee to attend college at Nashville Auto Diesel College. Rob moved back home to continue his career as an auto body technician. During that time, he married Brandy and had two daughters.
After Tim passed away in 2020, Rob and Brandy transitioned as the new owners, making T & P Auto Body a second-generation family-owned and operated company.
Tim’s secret to success was always to give the customer what they want in a reasonable amount of time and put a good guarantee on the work!
Rob and Brandy continue to uphold the high standards and reputation T & P Auto Body has by providing the community with honesty, professionalism, and high-quality work. Customer service, quality repair work, and being upfront and honest are our top priorities at T & P Auto Body Repair and Paint Center!
Curious to See Some Before & After Shots?
Auto Services

Auto Body Repair

Vehicle Frame Repair

Vehicle Painting with Color Match

Paintless Dent Repair

Custom Paint Options


Look at some of our work
What We Offer
- Competitive Prices
- Free Estimates
- Lifetime Guarantee (Except for Rust)
- Latest Collision Repair Technology
- Expert Technicians with Advanced Training
- Dedicated Customer Service
We Accept All Insurances
Self-pay and all insurance work is welcomed! Our team will follow up with your insurance adjuster to make things easier and ensure the right choices are being made for your vehicle. Once your vehicle is scheduled to be repaired, we will send your insurance company a copy of the estimate and photos so you don’t have to!
Credentials & Awards

State Farm Preferred Shop

BBB accredited


I-Car Welding Certification for Aluminum and Steel
For more information, get in touch with us at 419-394-6574.

Contact Information
Phone: 419-394-6574
Fax: 419-394-5937
Email: tpbodpa@bright.net
Business Hours
Monday – Friday: 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday: 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Sunday: Closed